One of the most famous movies about underground poker is the cult classic “Rounders.” The film is replete with memorable lines and scenes, but the monologue by Mike McD in the opening credits is particularly insightful. While the movie depicts a bygone era in poker, the dangers of collusion linger in any game. In fact, collusion has been a frequent occurrence at the Mid-States Poker Tour.
While the name “underground” may seem a little questionable, the fact is that there is nothing illegal about hosting home games, especially high-stakes games. However, these players are a distinct breed. While many casual players might not feel comfortable participating in such a game, these professionals are the ultimate predators. The money and camaraderie are the only factors that matter. It is essential to understand these players’ lifestyle and expectations before joining them.
The influx of unscrupulous operators has affected the industry in a few ways. First, police departments are increasingly hostile to the underground poker industry. The Phoenix area, for example, has seen a wave of raids over the past decade. In addition, private games often require players to pay a “rake” to the poker rooms in order to use their services. As a result, these players are often unable to make enough money to pay rent.
Unfortunately, unscrupulous operators are a part of any industry, and the underground poker scene is no exception. You can read numerous horror stories online, and find some that are downright shady. But, even if you do find a legitimate poker room, it is still best to stay away from these venues. There are many other risks involved. The stakes are high and players need to be careful. So, be aware of these dangers before you play in an underground poker club.
In addition to being illegal, underground poker is also unregulated. While it’s illegal to play poker in a casino, the games are permitted to be played without a license in New York State. While most of these games are unregulated, there are no laws preventing poker games in the state. It’s a good idea to check the legality of a particular venue before going to a poker club. It is important to check the reputation of the place before you play.
Some people are afraid of the unscrupulous operators that lurk in underground poker clubs. It is important to avoid these types of places. In addition, many players have no idea which locations are safe. Nevertheless, it is crucial to know your local regulations so you can be sure you’re playing in a reputable environment. Just be careful, and play responsibly! There are plenty of unscrupulous operators out there that are willing to cheat you.